Tutoring & Consulting Services

Local Tutoring

In addition to my GRE and GMAT courses at Indiana University, I offer private tutoring to students in the Bloomington, IN area. GRE Students who retain my services frequently improve by 5 points per section (Quantitative and Verbal) after just one month of instruction. (Some have done even better: one highly motivated applicant boosted her Verbal score by 9 points after only four weeks.) These are serious gains — the difference between a merely average score and one that stands out from the crowd.

Although graduate exams are my specialty, I’ve also helped students prepare for college entrance exams (SAT, ACT), IU courses (ENG-W131 and MATH-M118), and even high school academic competitions (such as the AMC 10). What’s more, I’m constantly expanding the repertoire of classes and exams that I cover. If your course or assessment involves reading comprehension, critical reasoning, or any mathematics up to Calc 1, there’s a great chance I can help you get ready for it.

Test Prep Consulting

Recently, I’ve also begun working with career and academic advisors at IU, offering informal GRE guidance at graduate school readiness events. Students, as I’m sure you’ve noticed, often approach test prep with a great deal of anxiety and a lot of unanswered questions:

  • What’s on the GRE?
    • (more specifically: What math do I need for the GRE?)
  • When should I plan to take the GRE?
  • How do I prepare for the exam?
  • When should I start studying?

If your department or program is planning a workshop for grad school applicants, I’d be happy to contribute a brief presentation on these and other common GRE concerns, or to round out the roster of a more casual Q&A session. Applying to graduate school can be a daunting process, but test prep needn’t be.

How Can I Help?

Are you a student looking for one-on-one assistance, or an IU administrator seeking insight into the GRE preparation process? Drop me a line at michael (at) gladlyteach (dot) com and let me know how I can assist you.